Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dont you too think that blogging is like writing in just wait out there for someone to come and see...have a look at your nonsense and appreciate your unreality....and dont tell me that you dont think that,or else you wouldn't have think you can write like course...and you wish to show it off....but you know what???...i can't write.

i think i can but i know i can't....

someone once asked me to preserve my good many told me so....why?may i know??
...are emotions..feelings n ideas,they are always in flux...what's your poetry if not that!let it go...if it comes back to you when you are all alone and scared to face the world with your jabber....then you know your poetry's still alive!

and just look at me(which i know you can't...i don't have a pic of mine here)...i am trying to persuade you not to do what i myself am doing at this very present moment...writin ...attempting to make sense...or nonsense??...and if its this dialectis of contrary possibilities that conflicts your mind....why not express it through writing?